Do You Suffer From Approval Addiction?
Episode Details

Last week we delved into a topic that struck a chord with so many of you: the importance of caring about what others think. The response was overwhelming and it made me realize just how deeply caring about others' opinions affects us in countless ways.

But here's the thing, I also discovered that I'm still grappling with this issue myself, despite having worked through many layers of it. It's like an onion with hidden depths, manifesting both consciously and subconsciously. Even after releasing that episode, I caught myself hoping for people's approval, which revealed that I was still creating from a place of pleasing others.

Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with seeking approval, right? After all, we want the validation and acceptance of those around us because we care about them. However, the reality is that if we are relying on others' opinions as a measure of our self-worth that can be incredibly harmful.

That realization propelled me to dive even deeper into this topic and bring you part 2, where we will unpack what's truly going on and explore why and what you should care about instead.

In this episode I share:

  • WHY we still care so much about what others think even when we think we don’t.
  • Three main areas where the need for approval, acceptance and validation can have serious consequences
  • Why and what you should care about instead

Ultimately, it’s important to realize how pointless it really is to focus on pleasing others - it breeds uncertainty and halts your dreams. The truth is that we all have inherent worth and purpose, regardless of what others think. Tune in now and so you can start focusing on the only approval you really need - your own! 


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Episode cover art for Do You Suffer From Approval Addiction?